Jillian can now sit up and pull herself to standing in her crib. So now, she protests bed time by pulling herself up and yelling. She doesn't cry, just shouts. It is actually hilarious because she knows to stand at the corner closest to the door where I enter to save her from baby jail.
Now some random thoughts:
1. On my way home from work today I saw a car with a vanity plate that read "To BLSSED" Or something like that. So it was "To Blessed." Many things annoy me about this: (1) it is a vanity plate, which is per se annoying; (2) the grammar, isn't it "too" not "to?"; (3) can you really be too blessed? I don't know, how about so blessed?, and (4) he was blasting, I mean BLASTING, More than Words by extreme. More than Words (remember in the video the drummer just sat on a stool with a lighter because he has nothing to do in that song) was popular when I was in 8th grade and reminds me of our class field trip to the Baltimore Aquarium.
2. I forgot that in Philly after it rains, you need to walk about 5 feet from the curb. Otherwise, when cars drive by you will get soaked by the puddles splashing up. And that sucks.
3. I have to get divorced. I think that MSTBX is going to marry his new girlfriend as soon as the papers are signed. The problem is that we have to meet a residency requirement in PA before filing. We discussed it today and he still has not accepted that he cheated on me. I think he has actually forgotten that we were even married. Not surprising, but alittle bit hurtful. Even though I have moved on (really I have and he is such a bad guy to date/marry) it still hurts that he forgot me so quickly. Good luck new girlfriend. Just don't teach my kid it is ok to sleep with your ex's best friend who is still living with his wife that he cheated while she was pregnant.
Anyway, I hear someone protesting baby jail, so I better go play warden.