Dude, it was HOT in Philly this weekend. But I am glad it is summer and hope it will be a fun one. Although, I did just calculate the number of hours I need to hit my billable goal before the end of the year and it ain't pretty.
Anyway, J and I were on vacation last week, visiting my parents in Kiawah. It was a good time in general but not a wild time by any means. One night I got ice cream and marble slab creamery, subbing peanut butter and chocolate ice cream for the plain chocolate, and that was about as crazy as I got. Oh, I did get pink eye and/or some viral eye infection and had to wear my c\glasses the whole time. This resulted in the infamous "double glasses" where I wear sunglasses over my regular glasses (I don't have prescription sun glasses). I know this is a favorite of justsomeguy, so I am sorry he missed it. After a day of this, and feeling inadequate next to the Lily Pulitzer clad moms with huge wedding rings, kids named Trey (as in "the Third") and a husband on the golf course, I got those Dwayne Wayne clip on shades. Yes, I still looked like an idiot.
Some things that have crossed my mind lately -
- If a man has a puggle he is probably in a relationship
- Philly hipsters will not wear flip flops. It is retro vans, ballet slippers, jellies, or converse. Also, as I shared with justsomeguy, hipsters will wait forever to eat brunch at a "hip" place. It must be hard being so tragically hip.
- J's diapers have Winnie the Poo and Tiger on them. So when she gets her diaper changed she shouts "tigger and poo!!!" only it sounds like "take a poo!!!" In the airport, the mom waiting to use the changing table said, "you better get that diaper on quick!" I had to explain it to her.
- Other airport shennigains included a woman telling me, unsolicited, that J had too much food in her mouth. This is a daily battle between J and I (and J and her nanny) and J usually wins. Absent an incident involving watermelon when she was about 10 months old, there have been no choking incidents. I explained that to the lady, while waiting for my Christian chicken at Chick-fil-A, but she was still all judge-y mc judgerton. So when she said, "what great eyelashes she has," I told her I put mascara on my kid.
- A shout out to my homies new and old from bizarley's wedding. I have to dedicate an entire post to that event. Thanks to my roommate K for reading and sharing a room with me!
- To everyone I forced to buy Stride Sweet Mint gum, insisting it was the best gum ever, I apologize. It actually is Orbitz Sweet Mint gum that is the best gum ever. The Stride gum has a very artificial sweetner taste. I know that justsomeguy and M fell victim to this.
- I apologize that all the pictures have been from one event. I should have some from my trip soon and J rocks a bathing suit like Giselle.
Welcome to what it is like in my head.