I have a bad habit of not listening while trapped in boring conversations. You know, like in the elevator or on line at the book store. Because of this habit, I don't know how to respond when it is my turn to talk because I haven't been listening. So I have developed a "defense mechanism" of sorts - I just say "I know, right?"
This phrase works 8 out of 10 times because these conversations have limited topics. For example, "It's finally getting cold out there," response: "I know, right?" Or, "Those Phillies actually made it to the NLCS" response: "I know, right?" Or, "The economy sucks." response: "I know, right?" So by using the "I know, right?" response I save myself from listening to 80% of the boring conversations I encounter.
In contrast to my not listening to conversations I find boring, I also seem to think that when in a group setting, I have the most interesting stories. I have been aware of this for awhile and it was reinforced when a group went out to dinner after J-Bux's book reading in NYC. Apparently, I talked alot. Last week, I did it during book club. I am not sure if the stories I tell are interesting or funny, but yet I can't seem to stop myself from telling them. I am going to work on this, promise. I don't want to steal the show.
Here is a random picture of J - she will be two years old tomorrow!
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