Jillian has started a new habit of giving me choices. For example, the other night she told me that I had a choice - I could leave her light on "a little bit" or I could leave her door open "a little" bit. Then she forces the decision. I am not allowed to bargain for a third option or refuse to choose. It is hilarious.
She also knows where she is going to college. When we drive by Penn I ask her where I went to college and she says Penn. Then I ask her where she is going to go to school and she says "YAY PENN!" I should start saving as a year of tuition will be about $1 million dollars (said Dr. Evil style) per year.
Lastly, we have been talking alot about our trip to Texas. She knowns that we will be staying at bizarley's house, that Uncle justsomeguy and the artist formally known as TFry will be there. We have been working on our yee-haws and discussed the new friends she may meet while checking out their blogs. Watch out Texas here we come.
And the picture above is random. It is a picture of J before we went to our first bris. She actually had a good time because she loves bagels and schmears. She also found the dessert table very early. Then every time I turned around, I saw her streaking towards it in a blinding chubby fury to get some rugelach.
She's one smart cookie!!! I love that all the choices are beneficial for her. When are you going to start practicing San Francisco phrases such as "I'd like sushi and chardonnay for dinner tonight" so you can come visit?
i can't wait to introduce queso to J. it will be awesome.
just a few more weeks!
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