J and I got a Wii fit for Valentine's day. I didn't set it up for a while, as I was still working on my Guitar Hero skillz, but did a few weeks ago. J obviously had to be involved. As soon as the thing was out of the box and the tv on, she jumped on and did what she thought she should do based on the picture that is on the box. No prompting from me or instruction. Here is a picture.
Then we both did the fit test. According to the mean wii fit board, I am 44 in Wii fit years. J is 22 and has like a 35% BMI. Of course she does she is two feet tall and a chub. But the wii fit does acknowledge that young children tend to have higher BMIs. Thanks wii fit. I will not put my two year old on a diet. She does, however, suck at the balance tests. Wii will work on that.
Job update. I got the job I interviewed for on Friday. I had another interview today, to go to the Plaintiffs' side of the bar. It went well, the named partner found me to be a "very impressive young lady" his words, and I have to go back to meet a few more people. We will see what happens. I am very very stressed out about it all. I do not think I am on the chopping block if layoffs happen - actually I know it - but is it time to move on anyway? Maybe.
My parents are not thrilled with me being a Plaintiff's attorney. I think that they will be embarrassed by it. Even though I will be 32 in less than a month, I still care what they think. I don't want them to be embarrassed by me, lord knows I have put them through enough over the past few years.
congrats on the job offer! i don't think there is anything wrong with being a plaintiff's lawyer -- in fact, i bet it is really exciting!
Tell your parents that spending a few years on the plaintiffs' side will help you learn how to be a better defense attorney. it's not totally bullshit, either. I think I would be one of the best employer attorneys if I could stomach the work or give a sh** about it. That's really what counts. Good luck.
Congrats on the job offer, M! Could you maybe use the leverage to have some kind of talk with your current job about Where Is This Going? I have no idea if such things are done.
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