Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm too sexy for my....oh wait, I am not sexy

Here is evidence of my non-sexiness, my attempt at pole dancing. Don't worry kids, I didn't land on my head in that last picture. But I don't think I will be whipping out the g-string any time soon (for many many many reasons, lack of pole dancing skillz being fairly low on that list).

So why was I pole dancing? It was part of bizarley's bachelorette party in New Orleans and it actually was really fun. As was the eating, drinking, karaoke, and NBA All-star game festivities. Bizarley had the goal of meeting Sir Charles Barkley and she shockingly met that goal (well, she saw him up close leaving a bar). THC would be proud of her behavior this weekend. I am sure she will post about it on her blog - if she EVER POSTS AGAIN.

While traveling I stupidly decided to purchase "Parenting" magazine to give the whole "good parent" thing a go. This publication is the biggest waste of paper ever. One mom tip was "spend one afternoon a month alone to keep you grounded." Another, "thank your husband for taking out trash." So honey, thanks for.....OH WAIT. I take out my own f'in trash, along with doing every other household chore, including bug killing, drain de-clogging, and all the other "husband duties" listed. Thus, I am not the audience for the idyllic Parenting magazine. So I also bought Cosmo. So now I know how to "make dinner fun" and "101 ways to Blow his mind." Again, somewhat useless knowledge as there is no "him."

Perhaps if I worked on my pole dancing?

Anyway, I toast (with my hurricane, of course) to you the ladies of bizarley's bachelorette party!! It was a blast and I look forward to doing it up Lexington style in May.



Megan Dempsey said...

Parenting magazine sucks.

Congrats Bizarley! I toast you as well. But definitely not with a hurricane, because my only run-in with them in New Orleans left me puking all night and unable to check out of my hotel...ah, those were the days.

Jenn and Steven said...

Concrete City demands a hockey rematch in Lexington.

Amy said...

We all need a little work on our pole dancing, but your "Sexy sit on my ass and drink champagne" was hottt.

Bizarley said...

i'm glad that my b-party was "actually really fun" --- as if that should come as a shock! :)

you should have posted photos of JUSTSOMEGUY pole dancing. now that was hot!

had soooo much fun with you - and so glad that i get to see you again in a few weeks.

ps i am posting this from the illustrious presidents club at the airport. love it!

mu-galto said...

I meant that the pole dancing was actually pretty fun. The party was OF COURSE fun!

Concrete City will never win as long as the opposition has T-Pain on its side :)

I am pretty damn sexy when I sit on my ass and drink champagne. And I think I am really sexy after a bottle or two....

M - don't worry we BARELY got bizarley to her flight home on Sunday. Props to the concrete city folks who had to deal with her on the plane!