Is it ok to be amazed by your own kid? I admit to being completely uneducated about what "developmental stages" kids should hit when, but lately I have been thinking J is pretty awesome. To that end, I present the reasons why I am in awe of my child:
- she told me the other day that she "hadn't seen butterflies in over a week." And she was right! No one had taken to her to the butterfly garden at the museum of natural sciences (where we are members, so she is there alot) in over a week. But, um, how does she know what a week is?
- she likes Blue's Clues and requests it. She also likes to go to Claire's Boutique and pick out cheap jewlery. We were there one day and she saw a small spiral notebook, similar to the one the host of blue's clues uses to write down clues. She pointed to it saying "notebook," took it down, called it a "handy dandy notebook" (which the host calls his) and instructed me to "pay for it." Once I had, she requested a pen which she stuck through the spirals exactly like the blues clues guy.
- she picks out her own shoes everyday and most times puts them on herself.
- she saw that I hung up two similar pictures in my room and informed me that there were two that were "kinda the same."
- she can ride her tricycle about two feet.
- she has a plastic cow that has a blue spot on him, ink or something. She told me that this was a "dirty cow." Then told me she would "wipe him off." When that didn't work I suggested that we might have to wash him with soap, causing her to run into her bathroom and soap up that cow. We never got the spot off, and now he will forever be the "dirty cow." This morning he was in her tea pot which she found hilarious.
- speaking of tea - she sets up her favorite guys, usually a lamb, a baby, and barney to have tea parties. She serves "dirty cow tea" and "coffee."
- if you ask her why she may get a treat she says "if I pee pee on the pottty."
- if you ask her who is on the one dollar bill she say "Washington."
- she knows her ABCs and can count to eleven.
So, if you couldn't tell, I haven't spoken to my mother all week because she is busy entertaining friends, so I have not had a chance to share any funny, listen to what J did stories. I am sorry if I am boring you all, but the lack of husband contributes to my need to share and have someone else go - you are right she is amazing (hint hint).
Oh and the picture above is what she does when you ask her to smile. I think Tyra Banks got a hold of her, so now she only does "fierce." Props to Aunt Bizarley for the dress at this photo shoot. Just ignore her hair, she doesn't like to sit for hair and make-up.