Tuesday, July 22, 2008

J has a dream.....

This morning I was chatting with J and this is the conversation we had:

Me: Did you sleep well last night?
J: Yes.
Me: Did you have any dreams?
J: Yes.
Me: Oh really, do you know what a dream is?
J: Obama.

So apparently J thinks Obama is a dream. She actually can identify him in pictures and on the news. Also, when we were waiting in the airport a few weeks ago for hours on end, a woman had an Obama t-shirt on - it just said "Obama '08," no graphics or picture. J walks up to her puts her hands in the air and shouts "OBAMA!" The woman invited her to join the campaign. I was just amazed that J apparently can recognize the word/name Obama. Beyond once asking her if she would vote for Clinton or Obama, J and I do not discuss politics. Hilarious.


Bizarley said...

THAT IS AWESOME!!! I had a dream... I dreamt about queso and tortillas from TC.

Anonymous said...

wow. not only does she read, but she is politically astute. I am consistently amazed by your child.

Anonymous said...

P.S. well, which one is it? did she say hillary or obama?

EMC2 said...

Well, she is in Obama's demographic: young, urban, genius.