I received this email from the coordinator of a "Hip Single Parents" Group I joined. I haven't made it to any events yet and given the email below, I am pretty sure that now won't make it to any.
"Due to the amazing amount of whining, I will no longer be organizing events for the Hip Parents Group. For those that enjoy a well organized event, please feel free to stop by and see us on the South Jersey Single Parents Meetup site. While most of our activities are geared to the active 4+ year olds, a few of the members will be hosting toddler events too.
You shouldn't join if:
1. You like to complain
2. You mind coming to NJ for most events
3. Your child is a pain in the ass and you clearly have no control.
4. Your eating habits (i.e. vegan) prohibit you from bringing a pack of hot dogs to a BBQ.
5. You RSVP, then do not show.
6. You're overly sensitive
We are here to help 95% of the people get out and enjoy life with their children, but you other 5%.... well it is really no mystery why you're single. -Michael"
Needless to say this gave me the warm fuzzies.
WOW! Makes you wonder if that's one of those emails you draft to make yourself feel better and release some steam, but don't really mean to send. Oh wait. Am I the only one that does that?
WTF?? I certainly can see why he is single! You should start your own group for the cool kids, you know vegans, whiners and kids screaming all over the place...plus you are allowed to RSVP and have life get in the way. Man--that is so weird someone actually sent that!
Holy crizzap! I could see a context in which I would be sort of impressed with her willingness to tell it like it is--like maybe she really has dealt with a boatload of whiny vegans with asshole kids who RSVP but don't show up, and this was her cathartic "fuck you" to all of them. But obviously she shouldn't have said "fuck you" to a zillion other people, like you, at the same time. Email is a dangerous tool.
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