Friday, December 14, 2007

Advice to Young Professionals re: Email Spell Check

"Busty" is a word, therefore your email spell check will not catch it as a mis-spelled word. This occurs even though it is a rare, rare time that you want to use the word busty in a work email.

You probably, however, will use the word "busy" many times in work emails. Therefore, if you are emailing a partner to tell them that you are busy with certain work, make sure you have not accidently written that you are "busty."

Spell check will let you down and not catch it before you hit send.

And yes, I did learn this the hard way, as I emailed a case team informing them that I was, in fact, busty.

Sigh. Between this, my Phillies attire social miscalculation, family obligations, and undying work ethic, I am on the fast track to partnership.

1 comment:

EMC2 said...

Hilarious! Your e-mail must have been spell check-ing you out. Hot stuff.