Last weekend, my mom insisted that we go to a children's Christmas party at my parents' country club.* It was a nightmare. I forgot that Santa can start a riot among children and that I have no patience for rioting kids. We have all already agreed that we will not be going back next year or any year after that.
Anyway, Jillian hated Santa. She didn't want to be on his lap and almost pulled off his beard. By the way - how were we EVER fooled by a guy dressed as Santa? I mean this guy was so clearly a dude in a beard. I guess being young and stupid helped. Instead of old, jaded, and the only single mom at a family event.
So, here is a picture of Jillian hating on Santa. And one of her in a shirt that states she ate his cookies. Perhaps that is why they don't get along. Or perhaps my mom just loves novelty baby t-shirts (see e.g. "its not a tantrum, I am just expressing myself" onesie; "I am having a bad hair day" shirt).
* Note: this is not a country club like most. It is in Northern NJ. Most members are large Italians who enjoy pinky rings and ginormous white Cadillacs. I once was on the buffet line there and someone (ok it was my dad) came up to me to tell me not to fill up on the salad because there was shrimp cocktail further down the line. That is high class. He didn't want me to miss out. At this Christmas event, if you shouted "Anthony" about 400 people turned around. Plus, all the little girls were in outfits that involved sequins, sparkly things, and/or the word "Princess" in sequins/sparky things. My mom put a gold bracelet on J to help her fit in. I felt out of place because I forgot to get large fake french manicured nails put on before going.
Oh my god, I am suddenly teary-eyed at the memory of shrimp cocktails and chicken francais (francese?) at my Pop's "club". The way he told it, the Club was "integrated" in the 60s when they let Catholics in. Unclear on the concept. Anyway, the Catholics took over, let in the Jews and it was all about pinky rings, combovers and ankle bracelets. How is it that the rest of the country has evolved stylistically, and NJ still rocks The Look?
That is a truly awesome story in all respects.
Maybe Baby J didn't like that all that glitz and glamour and Santa's over the top outfit was what pushed her over the edge. Regardless she's the cutest Santa's Little Helper ever!!!
Oh NJ, it will forever rock The Look. It knows no other way. And it may continue to scare my child forever.
Then Baby J still has the sense God gave her when she was born.
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