Tonight Jillian is sleeping in her "big girl bed." My parents came over today and the first thing that J said was "GRANDPA! Can you build my big girl bed?" Then she saw that they had donuts (she can recognize a dunkin donuts box or bag from a mile away), picked out a pink frosted donut and forgot about it for a few hours. But since she never TOTALLY forgets anything, she remembered and big girl bed it is. Above is a picture of her sleeping in it.
To be honest, I don't know the logistics of the bed. She can get out of it, fall out of it (not that far down, so that really isn't a concern), but she can also open doors. Thus, she feasibly could have run of the house. We will see how this works.

My other house-mate is Buddy the cat. He is ridiculous. Overall, he is as good a cat as one can find, no real vices except a bizarre obsession with the sink when the dishwasher is running. He does, however, sleep with his tongue out. It is super weird.
I may be a weird sleeper as well, who knows?
Tonight I spent my evening scraping wallpaper. Only I did it for about an hour and half with the wrong side of the scraper blade facing out. As J tells me, "Mommy you are not Bob the Builder." Out of the mouths of babes.....
Both Buddy and Jillian are so cute. I sleep with my tongue out like that too...does that make me weird?
I can't believe she has a big girl bed already! can't wait to see her!
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