I am ringing in summer 2009 by eating leftover spaghetti-O's and watching a documentary on getting your kid into a preschool in NYC. It is bananas. Seriously. You have to call to get an application (which means that you may not even get to apply), then tours, then interviews and maybe 20 of 120 kids get in. And some of the schools cost close to $20K. The parents are like "if you get into Mandell, then you will get into the best elementary school, the best high school, and then an Ivy."
I admit that my parents wanted me to go to a private kindergarten - the Wallard Harpridge School. I remember being interviewed/tested to get in. My parents were apparently watching out of sight during the process. One of the questions they asked me was "how many wheels does a wheel-barrel have?" I answered "one" and my mom just sighed and said that was it, I wasn't getting in, because a wheel-barrel has three wheels. Needless to say, I attended the WHS that fall.
From then on, public school for me (except one year in Catholic School that went horribly wrong and caused me to threaten my mom with abandoning the Church if she did not put me back in public school). And then an Ivy. So there.
I must also admit that Jillian will be attending a private school in the fall. One of the best in the city. X and I pulled our shizz together for our interview and Jillian, of course, rocked hers. The interviewing teacher was at a birthday party that Jillian was attending and told X that she strongly recommended J even though J would not even be three when she enrolled. J played with the teacher, explored, and basically ignored us. Awesome.
(But J is generally awesome - today she was allowed to pick out a toy and chose a sand toy shaped like Cinderella's coach - effin' princesses. I opened it for her, she "read" the directions via pictures, and informed me that she needed sand for this toy. Correct-o-mundo little boo. So she said that she would take it to grandma and grandpa's house at the beach. Problem solved.)
I think that the school took J because J is going to grow up and do something awesome. And they want to be like - yeah that woman who is president or cured cancer or won the nobel prize started her education at our school. [Again I have no intent to push J to be any of these things...but if it happens I mean I won't turn down visiting her at the White House or anything].
That or applications were down because people can't afford the tuition in these trying times.
So to all my NYC peeps with kids - I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Come on fat envelope! But the documentary is ending and the most obnoxious family, but the one clearly with the most money, got into 7 schools. Some of the other kids didn't get into one. Bummer because every kid deserves to go to school.
Sorry for the long post - again - see first sentence of post. Not much going on right now.
many wheelbarrows have only one wheel. or is that the point?
Haha. Nice. Yes, the point was that I knew that a wheelbarrow had only one wheel and that my mom was wrong. So I got into fancy kindergarten.
But apparently I didn't know (and still don't know) that it is wheelbarrow and not wheelbarrel. Kind of like when I asked the supply guy for redwells not redwelds.
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