We went to the circus on Saturday but ran some errands before going. I generally travel with a snack for her, and since she is obsessed with cheese, I offered her some for the ride. Here is our conversation:
Me: You ready to go?
J: Yeah, but I think I will leave my doctor's kit here.
Me: You probably don't need it at Lowes...
J: Can we get a car cart?*
Me: Sigh, yes. Do you want a cheese for the car?
J: Mommy, the car doesn't need a cheese, it isn't hungry! (Laughter)
Me: (Laughing) Fair point. Would you like a cheese to take in the car?
J: Yes, orange rectangle cheese (read: cracker barrel extra sharp cheddar).
* I curse the person who thought it would be an awesome idea to start making shopping carts with "cars" that kids "drive" attached to them or somehow incorporated into them. They are ridiculously hard to push, nearly impossible to maneuver, and sometimes unavailable which needs to be explained to J repeatedly when it happens. Also, J makes me pull it over in the store every few aisles so that she can put more "gas" into it.
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