I am not an actual princess, and unfortunately neither is J. Thus I have to work. My current job makes me what to shove a pen in my eye, so I interviewed for an in-house position last week. It went pretty well, I liked the General Counsel, and it seemed like one of the few companies that is growing these days. I was there for over 2 hours. During that time I was interviewed for about 25 minutes and spent the rest of the time alone in a conference room taking a math test, a grammar test, and a personality test.
As of yesterday, the word was that I had aced the math and grammar and that the General Counsel really liked me but they were waiting on the results of the personality test. Today I found out that I had failed the personality test and so I would not be continuing the process of interviewing.
I realize that this is an inherently ridiculous thing - judging someone on a "personality" test without bothering to actually get to know them or assess their skill level for a particular job. Especially because a bunch of the questions were real lose-lose questions like "When you make a promise you (a) always keep it no matter what the consequences or (b) feel that promises mean nothing." I am sorry but I believe in promises, think I am pretty loyal and that people can count on me. If, however, I promised to meet someone for lunch on a Saturday, but J wakes up that day all sick, then I cancel. This test implied that I would either have to screw all promises OR in the situation just described, take heroic measures to make J better or take a sick child out to a restaurant (which is a stupid move for many reasons.) I remember thinking to myself, why don't they define "promise?" Are they thinking of something like adhering to plans or something bigger like vowing to "love honor and cherish?" Which is a promise I made and kept until the bitter end. Would they judge me for leaving a shittastic marriage? So the test was frustrating.
As you can tell, I am annoyed. And while I am trying to keep a level head about it all, I can't keep thinking that I failed a personality test and that is a blow to the ego. Also, given my continued success in dating (I am now on date 4 with someone who kissed me once on the third date and zero times on fourth - there is no one else on the horizon for me) maybe I am doing something wrong. Like in a deep way, not perceivable to people outright, or that I am even consciously aware of, but sensed by others in some visceral way, using an internal gauge. Or by a personality test. Maybe I should ask for the test results....
Yes, I realize that I have friends regardless of the test. And that I probably do not want to work for a private company owned by people who insist on basing their hiring decisions on a bull shit personality test. Even when the department hiring would like to continue getting to know someone with the "wrong" personality. Still, I am bummed. I could use a win.
I totally understand what you are feeling...no matter how silly you KNOW a test like that is (and a company for using it)...it's still deflating. And none of need a kick when we are down.
I'm being laid off next month due and have been putting on my happy interview face for jobs a chimp could do for a $15-20k paycut. It's beyond hard.
I'll be pulling we both get a win soon!
Sorry to hear about the job - I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you! It is hard out there right now, no doubt.
i see a pattern. first the wheelbarrow, then this. so many unfair questions in life.
That sucks, M. I totally agree that judging someone for a job based on a personality test is stoopit. But rejection sucks nonetheless. I have been searching for a new job for 150 years and have gotten dinged bunches of times, and it does take a toll on the ego. :(
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