This Wednesday I traveled to Curacao, a Dutch Caribbean island, for a wedding. One of my best friends was marrying the person she had been with through thick and thin, success and more success, 9 moves, and seven years of dating. It was a beautiful ceremony and a great party.
Plus, we all got a vacation out of it. It was so fun to be on vacation with all my closest friends from college. Now that I am back, it is time to go back to missing them all.
The night before I left though, NB (new boy) and I broke up. We didn't have a big fight, just were going through something, and he just walked out on me. At midnight, he picked up all his things, and left without saying goodbye. Perhaps the most annoying thing is that he was supposed to drive me to the airport early the next morning. Luckily there are cabs.
Also, I had just given him my old ipod as a thank you for being good to me and baby J. He said he wasn't giving it back. Oh well, MSTBX gave it to me, so it is probably fitting that another person with the capacity to just walk away has it. I am more bummed about the brand new headphones I gave him with it.
So that was a bummer. I am not sure what happened to cause him to not even say goodbye. Luckily I was able to confirm the break up via text message so I could have some fun at the wedding. And haven't heard from him since.
That is his eye in the picture above. I cropped him mostly out. He was really good with baby J and a big help in that respect. He never said goodbye to her either. I guess she is young enough that it doesn't matter, but it is a scary thought that if I ever date again she might get hurt too.
That is a huge bummer, M--so sorry. The fates definitely owe you a boy who is reliable (and not an iPod thief). :(
dutch caribbean island? at least you know where the dutch are!
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