Two of my best friends from law school are getting married within a few months of each other in 2008. These are going to be two super fun weddings and I am excited for both. The other fun part of the impending nuptials is the bachelorette party for each. As mentioned earlier, we went to Austin for TF's and now will be heading to the Big Easy for bizarley's party. I am excited. And yes, the best employee in America, as I take off many Fridays to booze with my friends.
Thus, to commemorate these milestones, here are some pics of me, TF, and bizarley with the guy that stole the show - Larry. Larry proved to be very useful, as I forgot my id when we went out. So we either used him as a distraction and I snuck in, or a very blonde friend would pass back her id in a very obvious way. Both ways worked fine. Yup, I am 30 years old and sneaking into bars without an id. Nice.
And these two fun parties/weddings come on the heals of my famous author friend's bachelorette party and wedding - good times. It has been a fun couple of months getting to see all my friends.
I also felt like I needed to post something after yesterday's cathardic MSTBX-focused post...
oh great, now there is photographic evidence that i was using alcohol to "lower Larry's inhibitions." it was worth it!
I think you made an interesting Freudian punctuation decision by writing that you forgot your "id" instead of your ID. However, in fact as I understand the id, that is the party central part of your self, and thus the part you would definitely want to have with you at a bachelorette party, so maybe the joke doesn't make sense.
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