Today is kind of a personal super Tuesday for me. First, two friends are celebrating their 30th birthdays today. Second, my law firm has officially changed my name in all contexts - email, website, business cards, etc. This is very exciting for me. So any stalkers and/or hot single guys, please note, you will have to use my old name to find me.
FINALLY THE BIGGEST NEWS - IT'S HERE!!!! J-bux's book is out today! So head to your local bookstores and get what is sure to be the premier debut novel of 2008! Check it out at http://www.theoppositeoflove.com/index2.htm
Alright, I will be sure to post about my vacation soon. The pictures are starting to roll in (I didn't have a camera) and they will surely help me tell the story of my first (and last) trip on Carnival Cruise lines.
P.S. If I am violating any copyright laws by posting the cover - just let me know!