After a year here in Philly, J and I have bought a house. Well, she isn't on the hook for the mortgage payments, just me but it is hers as well. We closed yesterday so I am a homeowner once again. Only this time, my partner in crime is a chubby short stuff, instead of a husband who never really was a partner in any sense of the word (read: didn't pay the mortgage anyway on top of all previously whined about qualities).
So here is a picture of J looking a bit sad/nostalgic about leaving our apartment. We do have a wonderful apartment and have hosted such famous guests as T&A lady, JL, J-Bux, Baby A and family..... Plus, it was decorated by M, who came all the way from SF to visit, stay with us, and help us pull it together. Even though one lamp that took a three flight tumble, J and I appreciate her help - it wouldn't have been "home" without it.*
The new place will have a true guest bedroom so all past guests are invited back, and other visitors always welcome. As are any aspiring decorators/designers.....
*in the interest of full disclosure, J did color with crayon all over the one nice piece of furniture I bought - the chair you have seen in some of these pictures. And she chose to do so in blue.
Congratulations, M and J! I will surely take you up on your guest room offer. :)
She is just adorable!
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