Sunday, April 6, 2008

Missing J

I don't have Jillian this weekend, she is with MSBTX, the girlfriend, and the girlfriend's mom. He was annoyed with me when I asked that the nanny bring her down to him, rather than the trio hang in my apartment while J got ready. Crazy request, I know.

Anyway, it hasn't been a bad weekend. Did some work, some yoga, some drinking, was generally boring. But I was just looking at pictures of J and figured I would post a cute one. This one shows a technique I used to distract her during Easter mass. Moms, dads, guardians - feel free to copy this top notch parenting technique.

Now I desparately want Chinese food, which has not happened since leaving SF and Eric's General Tsao's chicken. Weird.

1 comment:

Megan Dempsey said...

Screw him for thinking he's welcome in your home, that bastard!!!

J. looks so cute and the stickers seem like a good idea. Pretty impressive that she made it through Easter mass!