Well, not so much Gymboree, as X. My new house is near a Gymboree and so J's nanny thought it would be a good activity for them. I took J once, it was a good time with parachutes, tunnels, bubbles, all the essentials. So I thought I would sign her up. It is $99/month for unlimited classes.
The thing is, my custody agreement requires that X agrees to activities and pays for half. I asked him about Gymboree and he said he needed a few days to think about it. A few days to think about paying $50 for our kid to have an activity. Please note, while he generally is against any mainstream anything (religion, manner of dress, politeness, cleanliness) I have never heard him rail against Gymboree.
Then he proceeded to tell me what a jerk I am and that I am a nasty person. Then he said that I have to keep him informed about what J eats during the day. X is out of control, rudely against overweight people. To the point that he critized me for eating a second brownie when I was about 7 months pregnant. I don't want J to have the same weird food issues. But that is besides the point - I said we can discuss food over email, not over the phone, because as you can see I usually wind up being told what an ass I am. He thought this was ridiculous and we should talk about it.
So in the end, it is all about control and manipulation with him. He knows I hate dealing with him, so he creates situations so that I "have to." But I won't. I refuse to engage him in this stuff. I will just pay for Gymboree myself. And she eats fine, so he can suck it. I will admit though, that J is eating Teddy Grahams in this picture. At least they are made with whole grain.....
Overall though, this will bother me for the rest of the day. It is so hard to put out of my mind. I really really wish he was not a part of my life. I would give an arm and a leg for that. Or even my gucci pumps.
This post is a total venting session for me. Sorry about that. I am just tired. Literally tired - of X, of the past two years, of being alone, of juggling work and child rearing, of fighting with him, of judge-y overachieving two parent households, of everything. I go to bed at 9:30 or 10 and I struggle to wake up at 7:30 with J. And this is everynight. The real bummer is that he is never going to change and I have to deal with him for the rest of his or my life.
Hugs from a stranger! I feel for you. If my power to vite people off the planet worked, I would have X taken care of lickity-split.
Thanks djsassafrass! I appreciate the support!
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