A bit more on the CHILL CHILL CHILL shirt, since the experience was so traumatizing. Above is a picture of a CHILL CHILL CHILL shirt that is, believe it or not, less heinous than the one I wore on that fateful day. Mine was bright aqua, the CHILLs were written in black, red, and white, and it was hella tight on me. Oh and I mentioned it was a "thermal" shirt, you know with the waffling? Nice.
So bizarley, justsomeguy, DT and I jumped in the car to drive to C-ville one boring evening in Metro-Lex. We got smoothies at Smoothie King, went to the lame mall, and then Old Navy. Bizarley found the infamous shirt, saw it was only $5 and dared me to wear it if she bought it. Since I rarely turn down a challenge (unless it involves me working harder at things I don't like to do), I said sure. After the purchase, she put all these caveats on me wearing the shirt. First, I could not tell people that she had bought it and dared me to wear it - I had to pretend that CHILL CHILL CHILL shirts are all the rage. Second, I had to stay at the law school all day (I couldn't go home between classes). Third, I could not wear a sweater or sweatshirt over it.
People stared at me all day. One friend was afraid to ask me about why I looked so weird, for fear I would kick his ass. The ex-friend with benefits of the guy I had just started dating probably got the most pleasure out of my attire. She hated me. I am not sure I ate lunch that day, for fear of ridicule. So basically I made an ass of myself for a day, in a skin-tight, aqua, thermal, CHILL CHILL CHILL shirt.
And yes, we had a lot of time on our hands in law school. The CHILL CHILL CHILL shirt was just one example of how we used up that time. Now that I am gainfully employed you would think I wouldn't have time to google "chill chill chill old navy" and actually find an image of the shirt. I got it the picture from ebay, surprisingly there are no bids. It is at $0.01, but shipping is $3.99. I would buy it for bizarley, but it is a size large and since she fits into a kid's pink power ranger costume (see above re: too much time on our hands), I don't think it will fit.
Awesome! I should register for a Chill Chill Chill shirt!
I love that you found a picture. I thought you must've secretly had another one in your wardrobe.
I think bizarley should wear the chill, chill, chill shirt to the engagement party. challenge!
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