Philadelphia was ranked by some survey as the most unattractive city in the U.S. Awesome.
I don't know if I am happy about this (less competition for single men/maybe an ugly dude will not care that I have a baby) or sad (poor Philly/am I shallow?). Either way, I hope to not lose sleep over it. I do hope to get hit on more though, you know since the bar is set so low.... (I am kidding of course, unless you want to hit on me...)
And in the background of the picture above, is someone who is ugly on the inside, MSTBX's girlfriend. Jillian tempers the ugliness with her cuteness. Hey, Philly is not in the running for the city with the most mature people either (and I needed a transition here)....anyway, this picture is from his birthday party for J. J looks good in a party hat.
Despite my snarking at the girlfriend, I am in a pretty good mood for a Monday. I went to Austin, TX this weekend to celebrate TFry's soon to be end of singledom. It involved many drinks, one blow up doll (not anatomically correct but with a killer mustache), a surprise pit stop in Shreveport, LA thanks to US Air who didn't put enough gas in the plane to get us from Philly to Texas (seriously - so ridiculous), a ginormous hotel room, lots of queso, and being chatted up by a 2007 graduate of the University of Texas. Overall, a good time.
By the way, northern boys are so fascinated with southern girls. Whenever I told a male friend that I was going to a bachelorette party, that got a sly look and questions about what we would be doing (and suggestions of pillow fights in our underwear). When they found out it was in Texas, every single one made a statement that implied he knew it would be so much naughtier than a regular bachelorette party. If they saw the attractiveness level of the ladies in attendance at this party, their collective minds might have exploded.
Too bad all the attractive people live elsewhere, huh Philly?
Dude, better to be a medium-to-pretty fish in a medium-to-ugly pond. (I know from medium-to-ugly ponds 'cuz I live in DC.) (Sorry, DC!)
Dude, better to be a medium-to-pretty fish in a medium-to-ugly pond. (I know from medium-to-ugly ponds 'cuz I live in DC.) (Sorry, DC!)
Let's not forget, Houston is America's fattest city, so we have that going for us.
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