Jillian and I went to the Please Touch Museum today, which was quite an experience. Hopefully neither of us got any communicable disease or random sickness. When the point of the museum is to have kids touch things, the likelihood of walking out of there with more than you went in with (viruses, microbes, flu bugs, etc.) is high. I should say that I am by no means an uptight parent when it comes to germs. I think I am fairly low key. But this museum is like when in horror movies, the campers go into the woods to make out even though they know the serial killer is out there. Here, Jillian and I are the campers, safe toddler fun is the making out, and the serial killer is the dirty ass touch based museum.
Plus, while I am not in the running for any parent of the year awards, I cannot believe some parents. There is a baby area, a "barnyard," for children under 3 years old. This is where we spent the bulk of our time. The point of the area is for "crawlers and new walkers" to have a safe place to play. Jillian falls into the latter category. Anyway, people brought their older kids in, I swear one kid was eight, and then didn't pay attention to their offspring. So eight year olds were jumping off the play tractor, a 5 year tried to drop kick the "fluffy sheep" repeatedly, and another older kid ran around like a banshee knocking over new walkers at every turn. At one point one parent knocked over Jillian and didn't even notice.
I don't want to be "that mom," but I was ready to kick some rule-breaking-parent ass. Jillian and I went there because she needs a safe place to toddle about and the Cole Haan shoe store just isn't cutting it anymore. I paid my $20 (granted that is a bargain compared to a new pair of shoes) and damn it, I wanted to make the most of it. Not have it ruined by kids who don't know better because their parents simply don't care. I was annoyed. And super disappointed in my parental brethren.
Anyway, that is enough of a rant. We most likely will not go back to the please touch museum, at least not on a weekend. It was ok, Jillian just wanted to walk around holding two ears of play corn, and was happy with that. So no worries. Unless of course we get some weird illness.
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