I think I have been tagged by St. Scobie (see link to the right, I have no idea how to make words into links and just can't let blogger win again), to tell "5 random things about myself."
1. I have never kept a calendar. I don't write down appointments, meetings, or events. Ever. So I never have to "check my calendar." Oh and no one keeps it for me.
2. I don't use conditioner and a rarely brush my hair. Is that gross? I mean I wash it, I just don't go the extra mile. My law school roommates can vouch for my lack of a thorough hair care routine. So can M, as she discovered, much to her dismay while visiting, that I don't even own conditioner. I do own a brush, I just don't really use it.
3. I don't like many things that other people like, such as The English Patient, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by David Eggers, Knocked Up, the second half of The 40 Year Old Virgin, pesto . . .
4. I have learned that I like to sleep alone. Perhaps I am just used to it? MSTBX used to yell at me all the time about being an annoying sleeper, especially when I was pregnant. I had really bad sciatica (basically a pain in your hip) while pregnant so it would take me a while to get comfortable. He would constantly wake me up to tell me how annoying I was and then stomp off to sleep on the couch. It always made me feel like crap. Maybe that is why I like sleeping alone. Or maybe I just need to find someone better (I guess that is a given).
5. Sometimes, after I take the laundry out of the dryer, I sit under it while it is all warm. Like I pile it all up on me because it is all warm and toasty. Totally weird.
I will have more pictures soon. Promise.